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Hello, and welcome to Mindscape Commons' first quarterly newsletter! 

Your institution is a member of Mindscape Commons, the world's first and largest collection of virtual-reality video content for teaching and learning in mental health. This teaching resource is available to you. We encourage you to check it out.

We’re excited to share a few updates, highlights from our users, and resources to support your teaching and research.

Come meet us! 

We're looking forward to exhibiting in this year's ACA Conference & Expo in Atlanta, GA.  Be sure to join us at Booth #226  and test out our VR experiences.

Mindscape Commons continues to receive awards and recognition. We don’t report this to boast, but to say that we're grateful seeing our work have a broad reach during a time of stress in the world, when support for mental health education is more important than ever: 


Our video collection continues to grow and expand to cover your curriculum.  Here's a closer look at one of our most popular series, Virtual Microcases

Unique to Mindscape Commons, these 360° videos put students face to face virtually with clients who present with anger, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, depression, identity and relationship problems, trauma, grief, and other issues. A case study authored by Dr. Tyler Wilkinson of Mercer University shows  that these experiential videos are measurably more effective than written case studies; in his research, students reported more engagement, less anxiety, and better preparedness.

Your users can view the experiences in Mindscape Commons with a head-mounted device such as an Oculus or Google cardboard for immersion, or they can simply use a laptop or phone. The videos will support a variety of courses, including Skills, Theories, Ethics, and Assessment.

Need some help figuring out how to find the right video? This quick 4-minute video guide breaks down the essentials on getting the most out of Mindscape. 


We’ll continue to deliver updates and tips in future newsletters. In the meantime, if you or your users have questions, including requests for links for a syllabus or LibGuide, please reach out.  We're here to help!  And… thank you.


Yoomna Rahim

Product Engagement Manager

Elizabeth Robey

Publisher, Mindscape Commons 


You are receiving our newsletter because your library has purchased a membership to Mindscape Commons.

 This is where we announce new content and tools. You may unsubscribe at any time.

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